Order of the Knights of Pythagoras of the State of New York
The Order of the of the State of New York, is a Youth Organization dedicated to The Fatherhood of a Supreme Being and the Universal Brotherhood of Man.
The organization accepts boys between the ages of 11-17 and helps to develop them into young men. The Knights of Pythagoras promotes family values, provide educational scholarships, and plays a significant role in the uplifting of humanity.
The Order of Pythagoreans is sponsored by and is under the supervision of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York.
It was instituted in New York, and was named after Pythagoras, who was a noted Greek philosopher and mathematician, who traveled extensively throughout many continents in search of higher learning and knowledge.
Membership is not limited to sons or relatives of Freemasons, but to any boy of good character in the proper age range. He must be recommended by a Master Mason or a fellow Pythagorean. The Order of Pythagoreans is not a Junior Masonic Order, but is merely under Masonic supervision.
The paramount aim of the Order is to serve the Youth of our community with a well-organized and supervised program to promote health, social activity, educational, vocational, character, and all-around development of boys throughout the City, while building better sons of today, and men of tomorrow.
The Ritual is the focal point of all of the Order’s programming. Through it, the candidate in his initiation into the Order is presented impressive lessons. This investiture thus attempts to symbolize and teach Reverence for God, Love and Honor his Parents, Righteous Thinking, Purity, Patriotism, Toleration, Courtesy, Friendship and Constancy. A Pythagoreans aim is to become a better son, a better youth and citizen than ever before.
The Companions hold meetings in what are called “Councils”. Each Council is hosted by one or more Lodges, who provide advisers from their own Lodge membership. These Council, throughout the state, are divided into Districts. Each District has an annual district meeting and the all the Council in the State meet annually for a Grand Session which last three days. Many workshops, athletic activities and awards programs are held at these District Meetings and Grand Sessions. Also at the Grand Session the Companions participate in election of new Grand Council Officers, a banquet, a Coronation Ball and Divine Service.
The local council in Buffalo, New York is the James McInns Council #10 Order of the Knights of Pythagoras in the Valley of Buffalo sponsored by Ionic Lodge No.88 and the brothers of the 7th masonic district. If you have a son, relative, neighbor, or know of any at risk youth that may benefit from such a program please reach out to myself, Brother Kenneth Simmons 716.812.9324 (Local Director), Brother Kermit Q. Petty 716. 716.563.9657 and we will meet with you and the family. Local sponsors included Ionic Lodge No. 88, Community Action Organization of Buffalo and Erie County (CAO) and City of Buffalo – Division of Citizen Services.