Ionic Lodge No. 88 Scholarship Ball is to raise funds for the Lodge’s Brother Josh Wilbon Collegiate scholarship fund; presented to an outstanding Western New York student that night and to award this year’s charity The Sickle Cell & Hemoglobinopathy Center of Western New York at Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo… a token of financial significance from our lodge. By purchasing a ticket or sponsorship, you are helping to make this goal a reality. In the United States, the sickle cell disease dis-proportionally affects the African American community. About 1 in 13 African American babies are born with sickle cell trait and about 1 in every 365 black children is born with sickle cell disease. Your commitment and support is greatly appreciated to combat this disease.
To accentuate the evening we are compiling a majestic Souvenir Journal. We are asking you to share in this great occasion by taking out an Ad in this memorable journal that will be shared with all of our patrons at our ball. The page size and cost are on the journal contact. Cost for our Scholarship Charity Ball is $60.00 donation per person. If you are interest in tickets or in purchasing a table please contact our ticket chairperson PM David Banks (716.563.1102). If you have any questions regarding our Souvenir Journal please contact Journal chairperson PM Fred Mills (716.392.1990). The deadline for the Ad Journal is April 29 2106. All other questions can be directed toward the Event Chairperson JW Darnell Carrington (716.868.1161).
I would like to sincerely thank you for your support and patronage of our Lodge this year.